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Bamboo shoots... and scores!

IMG_1869_JPG.jpeg See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!See, they do have some working waterfalls, just not the ones we're actually visiting.ThumbnailsGnarly!